Tuesday, April 3, 2012

From Farm to Fridge

What really goes on behind the closed doors of modern farms? In my blog, with the help of a short video, I will delve into the path of how the food we eat, gets From Farm to Fridge. Whether their throats are cut, they are mutilated or purposely denied fresh air and exercise, animals are being tortured for humans to be provided with meat or dairy products. Treated as though they are incapable to feel, these animals live just a fraction of their lives; stuck in filthy, disease ridden spaces, only to be lead to the slaughterhouse, where they will die in some of the most inhumane ways possible.

Chickens and turkeys are shackled by their legs, and sent through "electrifying vats of water" (Farm to Fridge), meant to paralyze and prepare the chicken to get it's head chopped off. Male chicks are murdered almost immediately due to their inability to produce eggs or eatable meat in an alotted time for profit. Female chicks are de-beaked and shoved into crowded cages, where, "95% of egg laying hens spend their lives in confinement", as stated in From Farm to Fridge. When their services are no longer needed, they will surely face their demise - a snapped neck or suffication. Cows face injury through painful maiming and amputations of their horns and tails. Calves are dragged from their mothers and violently killed, most commonly by being slammed head first, all so that I can drink mother's milk instead (Farm to Fridge). Shortly after birth, piglets' testicles and tails are castrated. Pigs being slaughtered are knocked in the head with a steel rod, the throat is slit (possibly still alert), while the pig hangs upside down to bleed out.

In days of old, farms were considered to be a home for animals. Their owners cared for, properly fed and kept the animals safe. Even if the animal did become part of a meal, it was done in a more civil manner. However, modern farms have subjected animals to captivity and eventually a violent death sentence! Workers are paid low wages to commit the heartless acts to slay the animals in order to quickly produce a large abundance of meat and dairy products for cheap, yielding modern farm owners low costs and high profits. Chickens, cows, pigs and even seafood are tormented and butchered by the hundreds each day to comply with the CAFO system that has taken over the production of our food.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi my name is Aaron, after reading your paper not to mention watching the video myself you provide a clear understanding of what you want to address in your blog concerning animal abuse. I would in fact change the order of your essay because your ideas seem to be all over the place. You could use the introduction as the way food was produced in modern times, and then transition into how it has become an evil corporation based on the almighty dollar. You had the right idea about how you stated the order of animals based on the video so i would suggest keeping that. So while you provide the ideals of animals, you should expand more on your quotations such as the electric vats and give an analysis on how you feel. If you believe this action is wrong express it by demonstrating your feelings toward the subject matter. On another note i learned alot about CAFO just by reading your paper.

  3. Couple things i would like to add to be more specific as i wrote your ideas seem to be all over the place, but i would suggest organizing it to make it clearer for the reader. When you mention a quote give a critique meaning your opinion on what the quote means and how it directly relates to your topic.

    1. Im new to blog writing. Thank you for your suggestions.

    2. Hey, my name is Emmanuel. After reading your blog twice, you surely provide and paint a vivid picture on the horrendous conditions these animals are subjected to. Your sentences refering to the shocking traetment of these animals,such as "treated as though they are incapable to feel" and your description on the "civil manners" refering to the old,humane traditions of farming, are a bestowal of personal depth and sentimental value. Perhaps you could expand on your personal outlook quite more. I feel it can be key. Furthermore, I think the structure of your blog can be slightly altered. I agree with the suggestions Aaron had to offer. You could introduce the old practice, conditions,treatment and production of food to lead to the conduct of modern farms. However, your blog fueled my interest in CAFO and I personally will look into it more for my personal knowledge.
